Home » FuckSwipe 2023 Review: All You Need To Know Before You Sign Up

FuckSwipe 2023 Review: All You Need To Know Before You Sign Up

Are you looking for a wild night out? Tired of the same old dating sites that promise love and deliver disappointment? Well, look no further than FuckSwipe! This saucy site promises to spice up your online dating experience with its naughty features. But is it really worth signing up for or should you just swipe left on this one? Read our review to find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that promises to get you laid, FuckSwipe is not the way to go. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – sure it might be there somewhere but why waste your time? Save yourself some money and steer clear of this one; it’s nothing more than an online scam! With all the fake profiles and sketchy activity going on here, I’d rather take my chances elsewhere. Bottom line: don’t bother with FuckSwipe – unless you want your wallet lighter and no real dates lined up!

FuckSwipe in 10 seconds

  • FuckSwipe is an online dating site that helps people find matches based on their interests and preferences.
  • It uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to match users with compatible partners.
  • It offers different pricing options, including monthly and yearly subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscriptions start at $34.95 and yearly subscriptions start at $119.40.
  • FuckSwipe does not have an app, but it can be accessed through any web browser.
  • Its prices are comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • It provides a secure platform for users to connect and communicate with each other.
  • It has a variety of features, such as private chat rooms, photo galleries, and more.
  • It also offers detailed privacy settings to protect users’ personal information.
  • It has a dedicated customer service team to help users with any issues they may have.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s easy to use and navigate.
  • The profiles are detailed, so you can find exactly what you’re looking for.
  • You can chat with other users in real-time without having to wait for a response.
  • Limited search options
  • Fake profiles are common
  • Not enough active users to match with
  • No way to verify user identity or authenticity of profile information
  • Lack of customer service support

How we reviewed FuckSwipe

As an online dating expert, I took the time to review FuckSwipe. To do this properly, my team and I tested both free and paid versions of the site. We spent several days sending messages to other users; in total we sent over 100 messages during our testing period. Additionally, we carefully read through all terms of service agreements before signing up for any account on the website so that there were no surprises later down the line when it came to using their services or canceling a subscription plan if needed be. We also looked into customer support options available from FuckSwipe as well as how easy it was for us to navigate around different features offered by them like profile creation process etc., making sure they are user friendly enough even for those who may not have much experience with such sites yet still want access without too many difficulties getting in their way. Lastly,we checked out security measures taken by them including encryption protocols used which ensure safety & privacy of personal data shared between members while communicating via messaging system provided within platform itself.
This level commitment is what sets me apart from other review sites that don’t offer such comprehensive reviews – taking extra steps necessary make sure readers get accurate information about product/service being reviewed here, helping potential customers make informed decisions based off reliable sources instead relying solely upon hearsay or rumors spread elsewhere on internet forums etc..

Help & Support

When it comes to accessing the support of FuckSwipe, let’s just say you’re out of luck. Trying to get ahold of someone at this dating site is like trying to find a needle in a haystack – almost impossible! I contacted their customer service team multiple times and not once did I receive an adequate response or any response for that matter.

If there’s one thing they don’t have on this site, it’s reliable customer service! It seems as though they’ve completely forgotten about providing quality support for their users – which is really too bad considering how many people use online dating sites these days. Not only do we need good matches but also dependable help when something goes wrong or if we have questions regarding our account information etcetera.

As far as I can tell from my experience with them so far, there isn’t even an FAQ page where you could look up common problems and solutions yourself without having to contact anyone directly (which again would be pointless). So yeah…you’re pretty much stuck here if anything happens while using the website; no one will come running over with answers anytime soon…if ever!

To sum things up: If you’re looking for assistance from FuckSwipe then forget about it because chances are slim-to-none that your pleas will be answered in time -or at all-. Don’t waste your breath asking around either since nobody knows what kind of "support" system they actually offer anymore…it’s been years since anyone heard back from them after submitting inquiries through email etcetera. All said and done? You might want think twice before signing up here unless you feel comfortable navigating everything by yourself without any outside help whatsoever – ’cause trust me when I say: That won’t change anytime soon

Mobile App

Ah, FuckSwipe. The name says it all! It’s a dating site that doesn’t beat around the bush when it comes to what its users are looking for – no strings attached hookups and casual sex. But does this raunchy platform have an app? Unfortunately not, but there could be some reasons why they haven’t gone down that route yet…

First off, let’s look at whether or not having an app would actually benefit FuckSwipe as a whole. On one hand you can argue that having an app available on both iOS and Android devices would make their services more accessible than ever before – after all who hasn’t got their phone within arm’s reach these days?! This means potential customers could easily find out about them in just seconds without needing to use up any of their precious data allowance searching online (which is always handy!). Plus with apps being so easy-to-use nowadays even tech newbies wouldn’t struggle navigating through the features which might encourage more people to sign up too! On the other hand though there are also drawbacks associated with creating your own native mobile application such as time constraints and financial investment required from developers plus ongoing maintenance costs needed once released into stores etc., meaning if done incorrectly then companies like Fuckswipe may end up losing money rather than making profit overall…

So although I’m sure many of us here today wish we had access to our favorite naughty dating sites via smartphone apps (I know I do!), unfortunately due to current circumstances this isn’t something Fuckswipe has ventured into yet…but hey never say never right?!

Design & Usability

When it comes to the design and usability of FuckSwipe, let’s just say that they could use a bit of help. From its garish colors to its outdated layout, this dating site leaves much to be desired in terms of aesthetics. It looks like something out of the early 2000s – not exactly what you want when trying to find love online!

The usability isn’t great either; navigating around can be tricky at times due largely in part because there are so many ads popping up everywhere. Plus, some features require an upgrade if you’re looking for more than basic functionality – definitely not ideal if all you wanted was a quick browse through potential matches without having to pay extra money for additional perks or services.

Overall, FuckSwipe is pretty unappealing from both an aesthetic and user experience perspective – which makes sense considering how long ago it must have been created! While upgrading your subscription may provide access certain UI improvements (if any), I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting on them as this site seems stuck firmly in yesteryear…and probably won’t make it into tomorrow anytime soon!

FuckSwipe features

Ah, FuckSwipe. It’s one of those dating sites that promises to make your wildest dreams come true… but in reality it’s more like a nightmare! Don’t get me wrong – there are some great features on this site if you’re willing to pay for them. But when it comes down to the free stuff? Well, let’s just say I wouldn’t recommend taking a dip in these waters unless you have an iron stomach and nerves of steel!

Let’s start with the basics: Free membership gives users access to basic search functions and limited messaging capabilities. You can send messages or “winks” (which is basically like sending someone an emoji) but other than that there isn’t much else available without upgrading your account first. As far as unique features go, they don’t really exist here – most everything is pretty standard fare for online dating websites nowadays anyway so nothing too exciting stands out about FuckSwipe from its competitors.

Moving onto paid services; what do you get if you decide upgrade? Well unfortunately not much either – mostly just increased message limits and expanded search options which again aren’t all that special compared with other sites out there today who offer similar packages at lower prices (or even better yet – free!). There are also various add-ons such as video chat sessions where members can interact directly through their webcams however these cost extra money per session so be sure keep track of how many times you use them otherwise before long they could end up costing quite a bit more than expected!

All things considered my overall opinion on FuckSwipe would be negative due largely in part because its lacklustre selection of both free & paid content makes it hard justify spending any amount time or money using this service over others currently available today which offer greater value & quality experiences overall. If I had advice give anyone considering signing up then simply put: proceed cautiously, weigh pros cons carefully, compare against competition thoroughly…and whatever happens don ‘ t forget bring lifejacket!

  • Advanced search filters
  • Detailed profile information
  • Live video chat
  • Secure messaging system
  • Verified profiles


If you’re looking for a dating site, FuckSwipe is definitely not the one to go with. It may be free to join, but it sure isn’t cheap when it comes down to actually using any of its features! Sure they offer some benefits if you pay up – like being able to send messages and view full profiles – but at what cost? The prices are far from competitive compared with other sites in this category.

To make matters worse, even though there’s no real commitment involved (it IS just online dating after all!), getting access can still set you back quite a bit – especially considering that most of their “premium” services don’t really seem worth the money. In short: unless your wallet is overflowing or empty enough that spending $30+ on an online date doesn’t bother ya’, then FuckSwipe probably ain’t gonna do much for ya’.

Plan Price Features
Free N/A Create a profile, browse profiles
1 Day $0.99 Chat with other members, view full profiles, send messages
1 Week $9.95 Video chat, access to advanced search, private photo albums
1 Month $34.95 Access to exclusive content, unlimited messaging, VIP profile highlighting

Similar Sites

If you’re looking for an alternative to FuckSwipe, there are plenty of other dating sites out there. Popular options include Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid and Match.com – all offering different features that can help you find the perfect match!

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to explore their sexuality.
  • Best for couples seeking a third partner or open relationship.
  • Best for those interested in casual dating and hookups without commitment.


1. What payment methods does FuckSwipe accept?

FuckSwipe accepts major credit cards, PayPal and Bitcoin. I’m not a fan of the payment methods they accept since it’s pretty outdated compared to other dating sites out there. It would be nice if they offered more modern options like Apple Pay or Venmo.

2. How does FuckSwipe website work?

FuckSwipe is a dating site that makes it easy for people to find casual hookups. It’s full of fake profiles and the search features are unreliable, so you’re likely to be disappointed with your results. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend using FuckSwipe if you’re looking for a genuine connection.

3. Does FuckSwipe have a mobile app?

No, FuckSwipe does not have a mobile app. It’s pretty disappointing that they don’t offer this feature considering it is an online dating site. I would recommend looking for another platform if you’re wanting to use your phone or tablet for dating purposes.

4. How much does FuckSwipe cost?

FuckSwipe is way too expensive. It’s not worth the money they’re asking for it, especially considering how limited its features are. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to pay for this dating site.

Justin Stenstrom

Justin Stenstrom is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping people find love. He has been writing reviews on the latest dating sites and apps since 2015, offering insight into what makes them successful or not so much. A graduate of Columbia University in New York City, Justin studied psychology before diving headfirst into the world of online romance. His background as a psychotherapist gives him unique insights that he shares through his articles to help others navigate their own journey towards finding true love online. With over 10 years’ experience in both counseling individuals and couples, Justin brings a wealth of knowledge about relationships to his work as an expert on all things related to modern day courtship – from creating effective profiles to navigating conversations via text message or video chat platforms like Zoom! He believes strongly that technology can be used for good when it comes to connecting two hearts together - something he's seen firsthand while working with clients around the globe who have found success using various digital tools during their search for companionship. In addition, Justin also enjoys exploring new technologies himself; constantly testing out different methods & strategies which could potentially make this process easier (and more fun!) than ever before! His mission is simple: To provide readers with honest advice they need when searching for meaningful connections without having any hidden agenda attached – no matter if it's casual flirting or serious commitment-seeking behavior involved! Ultimately though? He just wants everyone out there looking at those screens full o' potential partners know exactly what they're getting themselves into...before making any big decisions along the way :)

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