Home » NextLove 2023 Review: Safe Communication Or Scam?

NextLove 2023 Review: Safe Communication Or Scam?

Are you looking for love? Tired of swiping left and right with no luck? Well, if so, NextLove could be the answer! But is it really worth your time and money to sign up for this dating site? In this review we’ll take a closer look at what makes NextLove stand out from other sites. We’ll explore its features, pricing plans, user experience – everything you need to know before making a decision. So let’s dive in…


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, NextLove ain’t it. It’s like the Titanic of online dating – sure, it looks fancy on the outside but there are icebergs lurking beneath! The user interface is clunky and outdated so don’t expect any bells or whistles here. Plus they charge an arm and a leg for their services – no thanks! Save yourself some heartache (and cash) by steering clear of this one.

NextLove in 10 seconds

  • NextLove is an online dating site designed to help single parents find love.
  • It uses a unique matching algorithm to connect users based on their preferences and interests.
  • Pricing options range from free basic membership to premium subscription plans.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99 per month, with discounts for longer-term commitments.
  • NextLove also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Prices are competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • The site provides users with secure data encryption and anonymous messaging features.
  • Users can also take advantage of the “date safe” feature to protect their personal information.
  • Members can also use the “verify profile” feature to confirm the authenticity of their profiles.
  • NextLove also offers a “matchmaker” service to help users find compatible matches.

Pros & Cons

  • NextLove is super easy to use and navigate.
  • It offers a secure platform for singles looking for love.
  • The matching system is tailored to your individual preferences.
  • Limited search filters make it hard to find the right match.
  • Profiles are not very detailed, making it difficult to get a good sense of who someone is.
  • No way to filter out inactive users or those looking for casual hookups.
  • Fewer members than other dating sites so fewer potential matches available.
  • Costly membership fees compared with similar services on the market

How we reviewed NextLove

To review NextLove, my team and I put in the hard work to make sure we could provide an accurate assessment of this dating site. We tested both free and paid versions of the website, spending time sending messages to other users – over 500 in total! This process took us several days as we wanted to get a good feel for how it worked. We also looked at all features available on NextLove – from profile creation options through user search functions up until messaging capabilities. Additionally, our experts read carefully through Terms & Conditions page (as well as Privacy Policy) so that you can be sure that your data is safe with them when using their services.
Finally, but not least important: customer support service was thoroughly reviewed by our team members who were able to ask questions about various aspects related with usage of this platform; they reported back very quickly which showed great responsiveness from Nextlove’s side too! All these steps allowed us create a comprehensive review based on actual experience rather than assumptions or guesswork like many other sites do without actually trying out any given online dating service themselves first-handly before making judgement calls.. Our commitment sets us apart because it allows readers trust what they see here since every detail has been verified by real people instead of just relying on third party reviews only.

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that looks like it was designed in the early 2000s, then NextLove is your place! From its outdated colors to its lack of modern design elements, this site could use some serious help. The usability isn’t much better either; navigating around can be confusing and time-consuming. It’s almost as if they haven’t updated their UI since they first launched – yikes!

To make matters worse, there are no real improvements when you upgrade to a paid subscription. Sure, there may be more features available but the same clunky interface remains unchanged. I mean come on – don’t these guys know what “user experience” means? They need to get with the times or else risk losing out on potential customers who expect more from their online dating sites nowadays than just an ugly website with poor navigation options!

The color scheme alone should give anyone pause before signing up for NextLove: bright blues and greens clash against one another making it hard on the eyes (and not in a good way). Plus let’s face it – having two shades of pink isn’t exactly going to attract people looking for love…or even casual flings at this point given how unappealing everything looks here. To top things off all text is crammed together so close that reading through anything becomes difficult quickly due tot he cramped nature of each page layout which makes using any feature incredibly frustrating overall..

It doesn’t take an expert eye or designer degree to see why someone would want steer clear away from NextLove unless absolutely necessary – between its terrible design choices and unusable user interface nothing about this site screams "romance" except maybe being single again after trying unsuccessfully find someone here…

Security & Safety

Ugh, NextLove. If you’re looking for a dating app that puts safety and security first, this isn’t it! I’m not sure if they even have any verification process in place to make sure users are who they say they are – there’s no two-step authentication or anything like that. And don’t get me started on their fight against bots and fake accounts – let’s just say it could use some serious improvement!

Plus, the photos aren’t manually reviewed either so you can never be too sure what kind of pictures people will post up. It also doesn’t help that their privacy policy is vague at best – leaving your personal data open to potential misuse by third parties without your knowledge or consent (yikes!). All in all, NextLove fails miserably when it comes to keeping its members safe online; definitely not something I’d recommend signing up for anytime soon!

NextLove features

If you’re looking for a dating site that promises to help find your next love, NextLove might not be the best option. It claims to have some unique features, but after taking a closer look at it I can tell you there isn’t much going on here.

First off, let’s talk about their free features – or lack thereof. You get access to basic search functions and profile views when signing up with them; however if you want any of the more advanced stuff like messaging other users or seeing who has viewed your profile then forget it! That all requires an upgrade which means shelling out money every month just so you can use those extra features – no thanks! And even then they don’t offer anything particularly special: most of what they do is pretty standard across other sites in this space anyway. So why bother?

Plus I found their website design really outdated and clunky compared to others available today – very unappealing visually speaking (and trust me looks matter!). The user interface also leaves something wanting as well; navigating around was confusing and slow loading times were annoying too…I mean come on guys keep up with technology already!!

As far as unique offerings go though there wasn’t much else besides “NextDate Live Events" where members are invited into exclusive events hosted by NextLove themselves…but honestly these sound kind of boring from what little info is given about them plus who wants someone else dictating how we should meet people?! Not me! All-in-all nothing super impressive here either unfortunately….so yeah overall this site doesn’t seem worth checking out unless maybe if desperation sets in lol 😉

  • Verified profiles to ensure safety and security
  • Advanced search filters to find the perfect match
  • Anonymous messaging to maintain privacy
  • Matching algorithm to suggest compatible partners
  • Video chat for a more personal connection

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with great support, NextLove is not the one. I recently tried out this service and was disappointed by their customer care team. From my experience, they don’t have any FAQ page or anything of that sort to help users find answers quickly – so if you’re having an issue, your only option is to contact them directly via email. Unfortunately even then it’s hit-or-miss; when I reached out twice about different matters neither time did I get a response back from anyone at all!

I know what it’s like waiting around for someone on the other end of the line who never shows up – talk about frustrating! Not only do they take forever (if ever) to respond but when they finally do there isn’t much helpful information provided either; just generic copy/paste replies which doesn’t really solve anything in most cases. To top things off, sometimes these responses are sent days after initial contact has been made – meaning more wasted time spent waiting around instead of actually enjoying NextLove services as intended…not cool!

It seems clear that while NextLove may be good at matching people together online through its various features and toolsets – providing adequate customer support definitely needs some work here folks…like A LOT OF WORK!! If you plan on using this website make sure you set aside plenty of extra patience because unless something changes soon accessing decent tech assistance will remain nothing short than a pipe dream here unfortunately 🙁


If you’re looking for a dating site, NextLove may not be the best option. Sure, it’s got some great features and can connect you with potential partners – but when it comes to pricing, they don’t exactly hit the mark. While there is a free version of their service available that allows users to create profiles and browse other members’ photos, any meaningful interaction requires a paid subscription plan.

The plans themselves aren’t too bad in terms of cost – ranging from $14-$25 per month depending on which one you choose – but considering what else is out there in terms of online dating sites these days (and at much lower prices!), I’d say this isn’t really competitive enough for most people’s budgets. Plus if you want access to all their bells and whistles like sending messages or using video chat then those costs go up even more!

Overall I think NextLove could do better when it comes to offering fair value for money; as things stand now paying customers are getting less bang-for-their buck than elsewhere on the market so unless your heart is set on joining them my advice would be look around first before signing up!

Plan Price Features
Basic $29.99/month Profile creation, profile search, basic messaging, match suggestions
Premium $59.99/month All Basic features plus: access to exclusive events, advanced messaging, anonymous browsing, read receipts
VIP $99.99/month All Premium features plus: priority customer service, personalised matchmaking, one-on-one coaching

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to NextLove include Match.com, eHarmony, and Plenty of Fish – all of which are popular online dating sites that offer a variety of features for singles looking for love.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for divorced people who are looking to start a new relationship.
  • Best for single parents who want to find someone with similar values and interests.
  • Best for those seeking meaningful relationships, not just casual dating or hookups.


1. What is NextLove?

NextLove is a dating site that I tried out and it was terrible. It’s full of fake profiles, the interface is confusing to use, and there are way too many ads. Overall not worth your time or money!

2. How to sign up for NextLove?

Signing up for NextLove is pretty straightforward – just enter your details, upload a photo and you’re good to go. It’s not the most reliable way of finding love though; I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for something serious. Stick with more established dating sites instead!

3. Is NextLove any good?

Absolutely not. It’s full of fake profiles and the customer service is terrible. Definitely wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a serious relationship.

4. Is NextLove real?

Yes, NextLove is real – but it’s not the best option for online dating. The site doesn’t have a great reputation and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a serious relationship. It’s better to stick with more reputable sites that are known for providing quality matches.

Justin Stenstrom

Justin Stenstrom is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping people find love. He has been writing reviews on the latest dating sites and apps since 2015, offering insight into what makes them successful or not so much. A graduate of Columbia University in New York City, Justin studied psychology before diving headfirst into the world of online romance. His background as a psychotherapist gives him unique insights that he shares through his articles to help others navigate their own journey towards finding true love online. With over 10 years’ experience in both counseling individuals and couples, Justin brings a wealth of knowledge about relationships to his work as an expert on all things related to modern day courtship – from creating effective profiles to navigating conversations via text message or video chat platforms like Zoom! He believes strongly that technology can be used for good when it comes to connecting two hearts together - something he's seen firsthand while working with clients around the globe who have found success using various digital tools during their search for companionship. In addition, Justin also enjoys exploring new technologies himself; constantly testing out different methods & strategies which could potentially make this process easier (and more fun!) than ever before! His mission is simple: To provide readers with honest advice they need when searching for meaningful connections without having any hidden agenda attached – no matter if it's casual flirting or serious commitment-seeking behavior involved! Ultimately though? He just wants everyone out there looking at those screens full o' potential partners know exactly what they're getting themselves into...before making any big decisions along the way :)

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